Trio Fund
The Trio Fund is a limited Israeli partnership specializing in managing equity portfolios, and is designed for institutional and private investors.
Investment strategy
The Trio Fund is a Long/Short equity hedge fund that focuses its investments in publicly-traded Israeli and Israel-related companies. The fund managers have extensive experience in investments, with an emphasis on the Israeli capital market.
The fund operates on a Fundamentals methodology, generating long-term returns that consistently outperform the relevant benchmarks on a risk-adjusted basis.
In this framework, the fund operates in a strategy known as Long/Short.
Each investment is chosen after comprehensive research, including quantitative and qualitative measures such as the company's business environment, absolute and relative pricing, quality of management and the exogenous factors affecting it.
Risk Management
The fund will invest in at least 15 securities at any time, with the maximum size of a single position limited to 15% of the fund's assets. The net positive exposure is limited to 100% and the net negative exposure is limited to 50%. The fund managers will seek to invest in a wide range of companies with broad sector diversification. | 0775147001 | fax 0775147002